What are the Benefits of Website Design and Why Should You Have a Website?
In August 2017, it was 26 years since the first web page entered the online world. Believing this fact is quite challenging as the internet has grown remarkably in a peculiar way since that year.
It seems that this growth will continue indefinitely. With more than a billion registered domains, the trend is on the rise.
However, another reality is that out of the millions of websites and domains registered, only about one-fourth of them are truly active. The rest are considered “parked” domains with no activity. Among these 250 million active websites, only a limited number receive daily traffic and visits to their content.
Therefore, there is still a reasonable space for new websites seeking to be active on the internet.
Many small businesses have yet to utilize the internet space to develop their businesses. In fact, according to research conducted in the United States, 49% of small businesses don’t have a website. This statistic is likely much higher in Iran.
The first reason your company and business need a website, even if you have fewer than 5 employees, is that there is no other place where you can find so many potential customers in such a short time.
For example, research shows that Canadians spend about 36.3 hours per month searching on the internet (a little over an hour a day), while this number is approximately 35.2 hours among American users.
It’s interesting to note that although precise statistics are not available, these figures in Iran are much higher. In some studies, the average presence of Iranian users in the virtual space (websites, searches, and social networks) is estimated at 5 to 9 hours per day, which is remarkably high.
With more than 40 million internet users in Iran, this is a very high number. Therefore, due to its inherent characteristics, the virtual world has a significant potential for marketing. According to almost all marketing experts, the virtual space is considered the largest and most powerful platform for increasing sales and marketing in all of human history.
All of this only scratches the surface of the power and vastness of the virtual world. If you are a small or medium-sized business owner and still wonder about the benefits of having a website, consider these six clear reasons:
Today, people use the internet instead of a phone book.
The fact is that nowadays, people find most of their needed and vital information on the internet. Potential customers decide which doctor or clinic to visit, which service company to use, and where and how to purchase their desired products through mobile phones and internet searches. Neglecting such great potential goes against all marketing principles and methods.